art by @symonesalibstudio

“The sky is more beautiful than the earth. And I want the sky, not the earth.”

The Sarah Hegazi Fellowship is named to honor the Egyptian queer socialist activist who died by suicide in 2020. A tenacious resister of state repression and violence, Sarah sustained harms and trauma while a political prisoner in Egypt in 20217, leading her to seek asylum in Canada. In her final letter to community, she says: “To my siblings – I tried to survive and I failed, forgive me. To my friends – the experience was harsh and I am too weak to resist it, forgive me. To the world – you were cruel to a great extent, but I forgive."

Queer Crescent is launching the Sarah Hegazi Fellowship, to honor her legacy, and mitigate the painful isolation felt by too many LGBTQI+ Muslims. The Fellowship is a part-time 8-month position, available to two individuals.

Art by @symonesalibstudio

2024 Fellowship Focus

For the 2024 fellowship each fellow will hold a particular focus

  1. 🍉 College Students: Healing support directed at college campuses for marginal Muslims facing political repression for Palestine solidarity and organizing;

  2. 💫 Muslim Healers Constellation: Develop a network and directory of Muslim healers - traditional and western, nontraditional, etc. - who are connected and supported to more fully meet our communities needs on the small and large scale. 

Applicants should specify which focus area they are applying for; only 1 fellow per focus area will be selected. For mroe details including stipend, requirements and timeline see link below.